About Medicalia®

About Medicalia®

Physician Elite Skincare

Tested Effective...Results-Driven

Medicalia® Skincare is meticulously crafted to exclusively offer physicians and medical spas an innovative selection of clinical strength treatments and products with advanced technologies. Each in-demand skin transforming formula is specifically tailored to:
• Expedite wound healing pre and post-surgical/medical procedures
• Decrease downtime concerns post-surgical/medical procedures
• Provide serious solutions for common chronic skin conditions: acne, rosacea
• Deliver anti-aging solutions for face and body
• Provide body skincare solutions: bruising, stretchmarks
• Meet consumer demand for effective yet natural skincare solutions
• Increase profitability with easy to recommend and easy to follow regimens

Perfect Fusion...Comprehensive

Beyond traditional skincare, Medicalia® fuses the best of Pre- and Post-Surgical Management + MedSpa to ensure each product fully embodies the intricate fusion necessary to meet physician demands. Created by the founder of one of the spa industry’s leading skincare brands Pevonia, Medicalia® was founded by aesthetic inspiration and insight and upholds the company’s wellness ethos. Medicalia® offers a comprehensive pre- and post-operative skin care system and innovative peels featuring the most potent natural ingredients available in results-driven concentrations. Each Medi-Collection empowers medical spa professionals with the ideal clinical strength assortment to exceed patient satisfaction and boost revenue.

Manufacturing Breakthroughs...Ultra-Absorption

Every Medicalia® Skincare product is dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and non-irritant. Medicalia® features extraordinary formulas with two advanced breakthrough emulsions: Water-Oil-Water Microemulsions and Oil-Water-Oil Microemulsions. Each of these are proven to facilitate product absorption within the skin. Additionally, Medicalia® products feature Biomimetic technology; proven to improve, restore, repair, and boost the skin’s expedited healing and recovery process for optimum skin health.

Exclusively offered by physicians and medical spas.

Get in Touch

Medicalia® Skincare


1.866.314.1975 (US)


Distributed By
Pevonia® International LLC
300 Fentress Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114 USA

For all UK enquiries:
call: +44 (0) 01449 727000

email: info@medicaliauk.com